
  • 2010-2014: I received my Bachelor’s Degree in physics from Wuhan University in 2014, at the foothils of Luojia mountain. My undergraduate thesis was advised by Dr Eugene Lim while being an exchange student at King’s College London for the 2013 academic year with financial support from CSC. Before that, I was an undergraduate researcher in Prof. Zhijie Tan’s group.
  • 2014-2020: I obtained my PhD in physics in the department of physics at University of Arizona, advised by Prof. Charles Wolgemuth. My research is to combine mathematical and computational techniques with physical principles to understand the most mysterious phenomenon in this universe — life. More specifically, my research focuses on understanding shape dynamics of vesicles. In particular, I am deriving partial differential equations (PDEs) governing shape dynamics of biomembranes and developing massively parallel three dimensional numerical schemes to solve those PDEs. I am also working on designing novel numerical algorithms for applications in computational physics and image processing in general.

Work Experience

  • Sep 2020 - Jun 2023: Software development engineer at Glodon. My primary responsibility is to solve geometrical problems in an industrial environment with mathematical and computational skills.

  • Jun 2023 - Now : Senior Researcher at Shanghai Xindi. Here I am adding feature commands to our CAD software.